Publish software with GPO, question

i've looked around forums can't seem find answer this.  when publish software, re-installed if package installed on computer?  also, there way force package install next time computer checks in rather on next reboot?  how act on slow wan connections?  if fails download re-install again if computer reboots?


before going further, we’d better have better understanding of how install programs remotely via group policy. have 2 methods distribute programs via group policy:

  • assigning software
    can assign program distribution users or computers. if assign program user, installed when user logs on computer. when user first runs program, installation finalized. if assign program computer, installed when computer starts, , available users log on computer. when user first runs program, installation finalized.
  • publishing software
    can publish program distribution users. when user logs on computer, published program displayed in add or remove programs dialog box, , can installed there.

according question, if want force package installed next time computer checks in, try distribute program assigning software users. if choose deploy programs publishing software, mentioned above, published program can displayed in add or remove programs dialog box , can install form here.

also based on research, existing programs not reinstalled unless try redeploy package. regarding slow links, please refer link mr x provided.

for details how install programs remotely via group policy, please refer article below.

how use group policy remotely install software in windows server 2003 , in windows server 2008



Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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