WSUS crashes only when the "WSUS Service" is running


i fixing wsus server neglected year. there 30000+ approved updates when got there , every query timout.

after messing around little able have wsus query of updates. removed superseded updates, unneeded language updates, , drivers. able to approved updates down ~150.

most of computers worked fine , receieved of updates. 1 computer kept getting error 8024401f. read fix try "wsusutil reset" after did started getting timeout errors again. after playing more, found if stop "wsus service" wsus query fine without issues. start service again error:

the wsus administration console has encountered unexpected error. may transient error; try restarting administration console. if error persists, <o:p></o:p>

try removing persisted preferences console deleting wsus file under %appdata%\microsoft\mmc\.

system.componentmodel.win32exception -- service did not respond start or control request in timely fashion<o:p></o:p>


stack trace:
   @ caller, delegate method, object[] args, boolean synchronous)
   @ method, object[] args)
   @ microsoft.updateservices.ui.snapin.wizards.servercleanup.servercleanupwizard.oncleanupcomplete(object sender, performcleanupcompletedeventargs e)

any idea might be?

i able fix issue (sort of). after fiddling services manged have wsus query of updates needed , run wsusservice.

it started working when restarted iis service, wsus service, , windows internal db services.

it might have been pure coincidence though.

**update** think might have fixed root of problem. server set download languages , drivers. however, had go through , decline language , driver updates. while not hard, did cause server grow rapidly. had on 30,000 updates marked declined. though declined updates not supposed slow down wsus, having 30,000 did. following guide:

i opened power shell , ran these 3 commands:

[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("microsoft.updateservices.administration")   $wsus = [microsoft.updateservices.administration.adminproxy]::getupdateserver();   $wsus.getupdates() | {$_.isdeclined -eq $true} | foreach-object {$wsus.deleteupdate($; write-host $_.title removed }
when synced updates did have re-decline superseded updates, after had less issues.

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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