L2TP VPN connection in windows 2012 R2
i'm trying configure l2tp vpn connection on testlab environment i'm not able to. able configure pptp , sstp.
here config:
rras server: gate.mydoamin.local
-nic 1
-nic 2
domain controller: dc.mydomain.local ip
client ip
client host file pointing vpn.mydomain.com
rras config
general tab: set nat+vpn
security: eap, ms-chap-v2, ikev2. nps installed other settings not here
ipv4: dhcp
nps config:
first tab: allow access
second tab:
tunnel type: l2tp
nas port: virtual or wireless
eap allowed:
"microsoft smartcard or..."
"microsoft "peap..." both options (smart card , password)
third tab:
auth methods:
microsoft smart card (set certificate vpn.mydoamin.com)
microsoft peap:
smart card or other certificate (set vpn.mydomain.com)
password (eap-ms-chap-v2)
fourth tab:
radius standard:
ppp framed
network protection: allow full access
encription: 128 but
ip settings: dhcp
server: firewall
opened ports:
udp 500
udp 4500
udp 1701
protocol: 50 allowed
server has 3 certificates in personal/computer folder:
client auth, server auth standard ad certificate
server auth certificate used sstp connections
server auth, smart card access, ike ip security mediator issued deal l2tp , ike vpn
client has standard ad certificate client auth , server auth
client config:
address: vpn.mydoamin.com
kind: l2tp or ikev2
security settings: tried possible configurations
check server certificate disabled
result: not work.
if set l2tp, keep getting error 789 on client, , on server in event viewer can see 1 error id 4652 , many error 4653 following
<provider name="microsoft-windows-security-auditing" guid="{54849625-5478-4994-a5ba-3e3b0328c30d}" />
<timecreated systemtime="2015-08-03t16:48:22.613422500z" />
<correlation />
<execution processid="616" threadid="4984" />
<security />
- <eventdata>
<data name="localmmprincipalname">-</data>
<data name="localmmcerthash">-</data>
<data name="localmmissuingca">-</data>
<data name="localmmrootca">-</data>
<data name="remotemmprincipalname">client.mydomain.local</data>
<data name="remotemmcerthash">f801bac7f68a62bb95b96d84b2373d586eda8a72</data>
<data name="remotemmissuingca">mydoamin-dc-ca</data>
<data name="remotemmrootca">dc=local, dc=mydomain, cn=mydomain-dc-ca</data>
<data name="localaddress"></data>
<data name="localkeymodport">500</data>
<data name="remoteaddress"></data>
<data name="remotekeymodport">500</data>
<data name="keymodname">%%8222</data>
<data name="failurepoint">%%8199</data>
<data name="failurereason">ike: impossibile trovare un certificato di computer valido. contattare l'amministratore della rete addetto alla sicurezza per l'installazione di un certificato valido nel corretto archivio certificati.</data>
<data name="mmauthmethod">%%8227</data>
<data name="state">%%8203</data>
<data name="role">%%8206</data>
<data name="mmimpersonationstate">%%8217</data>
<data name="mmfilterid">128310</data>
<data name="initiatorcookie">d093a0cb7ec6075f</data>
<data name="respondercookie">0b3a28cabe0780c2</data>
- <system>
<provider name="microsoft-windows-security-auditing" guid="{54849625-5478-4994-a5ba-3e3b0328c30d}" />
<timecreated systemtime="2015-08-03t16:48:23.610141000z" />
<correlation />
<execution processid="616" threadid="4984" />
<security />
- <eventdata>
<data name="localmmprincipalname">-</data>
<data name="remotemmprincipalname">-</data>
<data name="localaddress"></data>
<data name="localkeymodport">500</data>
<data name="remoteaddress"></data>
<data name="remotekeymodport">500</data>
<data name="keymodname">%%8222</data>
<data name="failurepoint">%%8199</data>
<data name="failurereason">ricevuto cookie non valido.</data>
<data name="mmauthmethod">%%8194</data>
<data name="state">%%8201</data>
<data name="role">%%8206</data>
<data name="mmimpersonationstate">%%8217</data>
<data name="mmfilterid">0</data>
<data name="initiatorcookie">d093a0cb7ec6075f</data>
<data name="respondercookie">0000000000000000</data>
if try ikev2 instead, error 13806
i solved issue. write here solution in case other people have same problem.
refer kb2964556
the update described there not installed. wsus downloaded marked not necessary. manually installing update , rebooting solved issue
Windows Server > Network Infrastructure Servers
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