if null question

hi guys,

why null value if statements not working?

function getoutputlog($input) {    $targetdir = "c:\tewmp\scriptouput"    $logfile = "c:\temp\scriptoutput\log.txt"     if(!(test-path -path $targetdir))    {       new-item -itemtype directory -path $targetdir    }     if($input)    {       $currentdat = get-date        out-file $logfile -append -inputobject "### $currentdate ###"    }     if(!$input)    {        out-file $logfile -append inputobject "i did it!"    } }

regardless of how call function $input equal or $null unable date output.


getoutputlog "dslsadjls"

looks has using parameter name of $input. once changed function's parameter name, things started work

function test($myvar) {   if ($myvar)   {     # not empty   }   else   {     #empty   } }
having multiple if statements test if empty or not empty not needed, use if/else, if not empty this, otherwise empty this

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don't retire technet

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