prevent legacy operating systems to be added to the domain


i'm running ad domain windows server 2008 r2 domain , forest function level. domain present in different geographies around globe , notice unsupported operating systems added domain local support teams.

can avoid activity using gpo? goal allow supported systems like, windows 2008, windows 2012, windows 7...


thanks in advance!<o:p></o:p>


> can avoid activity using gpo? goal allow only
> supported systems like, windows 2008, windows 2012, windows 7...
you can prevent users adding computers domain:
you can quarantine new computers in lockdown ou:
you can not allow os versions , forbid others.
a funny approach maybe work: disable ntlm (enforce kerberos)
and enforce kerberos aes encryption. xp cannot handle :)

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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