Hyper V Replica Cross Site Cross Domain certificate issue

hello, i've issued san certificates both primary server (domain1) , replica server (domain2) enterprise ca , replication these certificates works fine if use internal name of replica server when enabling replication on specific vm.  if change name of replica server public address though "servername.dyndns.org"  (using dyn cheap external access testing) in order try replication on wan following errors.  same certificates , configuration work fine local name.  have of internal , external names on certificate subject alternative names, i've imported ca certificate the trusted root store of primary server, have hyper v replica open on firewall, , forwarding 443 through external firewall well.  help!


enabling replication failed.

hyper-v failed enable replication.

hyper-v received digital certificate not valid replica server

hyper-v failed enable replication virtual machine new virtual machine’:
specified certificate self signed.

(virtual machine id obf44cbd-o8af-4430-bsbf-fbfc3eo13f8d)

hyper-v received digital certificate not valid replica server
‘servername.dyndns.org’. error: specified certificate self signed. (0x80092007).


according description, seems certificate issue.

check whether have configured certificate correctly:

to enable server receive replication traffic, certificate in replica server must meet following conditions

  • enhanced key usage must support both client , server authentication
  • set subject field or subject alternative name using 1 of following methods:
    • for san certificate, set subject alternative name’s dns name replica server name (e.g.: replica1.contoso.com). if replica server part of cluster, subject alternative name of certificate must contain replica server name *and* fqdn of hvr broker (install certificate on nodes of cluster.)


    • set subject field replica server name (e.g.: replica1.contoso.com). if replica server part of cluster, ensure certificate subject field set fqdn of hvr broker installed on nodes of cluster.


    • subject field can contain wildcard (e.g.: *.department.contoso.com)
  • ensure valid x.509v3 certificate not revoked.
  • check if root of certificate present in “trusted root certification authorities” of replica server certificate store.

for more information please refer following ms articles:

hyper-v replica - prerequisites certificate based deployments
hyper-v replica–certificate based authentication in windows server 2012
requesting hyper-v replica certificates enterprise ca

hope helps!

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