moving old server and contents to new box (hardware)

hello, all.

i have not fast dell poweredge server bought thinking isnt. main domain controller , has profiles , user settings. horribly slow , giving me bad reputation system admin.

so went out , bought core i7 system built scratch. setup windows server 2008r2 on , wanting make take other servers place.

now in addition have box has tmg on it. tmg box part of domain.

simple question: whats best method migrating old server new core i7 box..

i @ 1 point , still considering hyper-v. making core i-7 box dc , setting hyper-v tmg box. not sure on procedure.

please ... if can out.



i suggest deploy new server secondary dc , once deploy it, size fsmo roles primery dc new 1 while make primery dc.

as file shares, may need re create them on new server manually.

as core i7 processor, intel core series made desktops not servers. if want go server, intel has xeon range specially built that. there difference in both processor series. xeon design more powerful , robust operations other core series. recommend go xeon processor since dc heart of your network , should function smoothly without issues.

deployning tmg in vertual box not idea , not recommended. tmg should deployed in dmz. none of dmz server roles not recommended virtualized.

have dns in dc recommended method. never in tmg :)


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