Question of DHCP Network Access Protection with IP reservation for non-compliant machine behaviour


dear sir,

    in customer existing network, using microsoft windows 2008r2 dhcp server ip assignment client. each machines / devices have mac address has configured in dhcp server same ip address reservation.

    customer apply dhcp nap network, found if dhcp nap tab of "enable scope" selected. printers not obtained ip printers doesn't have nap clients software.

q1. mean printers / network devices must use static ip manual configure method if customer need implement dhcp nap?

q2. may want confirm dhcp nap feature

if machine has nap clients installed: can obtain ip based on policy server (restricted / full access etc).

if machine hasn't nap client installed (e.g.printer): not allow obtain ip dhcp server.

q3. possible configure dhcp 2 scope, 1 nap enabled, 1 no nap enabled mac address reservation?



hi joe,

thanks posting here.

for devices don’t support nap , can set nap exemption allow access network obtaining address form nap enabled dhcp scopes. since have collected mac addresses of devices belive workaround in blog article should work , should answer questions mentioned  :

nap enforcement exemption printers , other network appliances


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Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection


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