Get-QADuser Faster ?
i improve performance of 1 of script. i'm using quest cmdlets get-qaduser, , slowness comes command
measure-command { get-qaduser -searchattributes @{employeeid=102541} -enabled -dontusedefaultincludedproperties}
measure-command { get-qaduser -ldapfilter '(employeeid=102541)' -enabled -dontusedefaultincludedproperties}
the 2 commands above takes around 400/500 millisecond each. i've tried use -searchroot reduce scope, little, rather not use it, because want check entire ad.
i not necessarily want use get-qaduser.
any ideas ?
sorry, missed -enabled switch, although i assume means cmdlet won't return object unless account enabled. still, directorysearcher filter ldap standard used many tools, joe richards' adfind, dsquery *, etc. find enabled users employeeid equal 102541 filter be:
$searcher.filter = "(&(employeeid=$id)(!useraccountcontrol:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))"
the "&" "and" operator (both clauses must return true), , "!" "not" operator. second clause means "account disabled" bit (with bit mask 2) of useraccountcontrol flag attribute not set. ugly, works , standard.
to modify user object need bind it. believe faster method (if matters) is to use the [adsi] accelerator. code modify user object, given have distinguished name assigned $dn variable, similar to:
$user = [adsi]:"ldap://$dn" # disable account. assumes account enabled. $flag = $user.useraccountcontrol.value $flag = $flag -bxor 2 $user.useraccountcontrol = $flag # assign description. $user.description = "account disabled" # save changes ad. $user.setinfo()
when measure "performance" of different techniques find if repeat immediately, second trial faster. cached , skews results. find need wait 10 15 minutes between trials consistent results. have code repeat a query several times 15 minute pause between trials. average results. example, i've used following:
function queryad($count, $arrnames) { $dtminitial = get-date $domain = new-object system.directoryservices.directoryentry $searcher = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher $searcher.searchroot = $domain $searcher.pagesize = 200 $searcher.searchscope = "subtree" $searcher.propertiestoload.add("distinguishedname") > $null $dtmstart = get-date foreach ($name in $arrnames) { $searcher.filter = "(samaccountname=$name)" $results = $searcher.findall() foreach ($result in $results) { $dn = $"distinguishedname") } } $dtmend = get-date add-content -value "-- $count --" -path "c:\powershell\findusers.txt" add-content -value $($dtmstart - $dtminitial) -path "c:\powershell\findusers.txt" add-content -value $($dtmend - $dtmstart) -path "c:\powershell\findusers.txt" add-content -value $($dtmend - $dtminitial) -path "c:\powershell\findusers.txt" } # specify array of "pre-windows 2000 logon" names. $names = @("jsmith", "wrogers", "bfranklin", "jmonroe", "jmadison", ` "gwashington", "tjefferson", "fwilliamson", "wjohnson", "jkirk") # repeat 4 times. $j = 1 while ($j -le 4) { # query ad. queryad $j $names # pause 15 minutes. start-sleep -seconds 900 $j = $j + 1 } # query ad 5th time. queryad $j $names
this takes on hour, that's computers for.
richard mueller - mvp directory services
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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