Large Mail Senders powershell - mail size issue

my problem
have email archiving enabled users in our organization, i.e. email send/receive outside or inside organization sent archiving server @ dell.
below cmdlet creating report of large emails in organization above 10mb last 7 days total bytes in mb , later excluding emails going archiving server ending address

get-messagetrackinglog -resultsize unlimited -start ((get-date)-(new-timespan -days 6)) -end (get-date) | {$_.totalbytes -gt 10485760} | sort-object “totalbytes” -descending | select-object sender,timestamp, @{name="recipients";expression={$_.recipients -notlike "*"}}, messagesubject,totalbytes, @{name="size";expression={$_.totalbytes.tomb()}}

"mime encoding of email attachments" - email size getting bloated 30-33% due conversion, there way can extract exact attachment size , not total size ? size on email sent user ?

please help


as stated in following link:

if need actual attachment sizes you'll need open mailboxes , examine emails (i'd suggest using ews managed api that).

also read - not need should helpful.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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