Report with multiple WMI properties

i know easy question cant work out. have been trying set basic inventory script query via wmi number of servers.

i can of display correctly except array config using root/hpq namespace. trying report array types using elementname property.

as there more 1 array configuration on servers, report show 1 of configurations.

im guessing need foreach somewhere cant work out where!

also, im wondering if way im trying output exported excel file? or should outputting via different method.



  'server1','server2'|foreach {  $computer = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem -computername $_ -credential $cred  $array = (gwmi -computername $_ -namespace root/hpq -class hpsa_storagesetting -credential $cred)  $bios = get-wmiobject win32_bios -computername $_ -credential $cred  $os = get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem -computername $_ -credential $cred    $report = @{}  $ = $  foreach ($arrays in $array){    $report.array = $arrays.elementname  }  $report.make = $computer.manufacturer  $report.model = $computer.model  $report.serialnumber = $bios.serialnumber  $report.ipaddress = (test-connection -count 1 -computername $_).ipv4address  $report.os = $os.caption  $report.memory = $computer|foreach-object {$([math]::round(($_.totalphysicalmemory / 1gb),2))}  new-object psobject -property $report|select-object name,make,model,serialnumber,ipaddress,os,memory,array}  


here unversial solution this:

windows powershell best inventory tool ever! superstar don jones!

please click “mark answer” on post helps you. thank ;-)) bitte markiere hilfreiche beiträge von mir als "hilfreich" und beiträge die deine frage ganz oder teilweise beantwortet haben als "antwort". das wäre nett :-))

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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