Likely Variable Scope Issue

i've done several tests , haven't been able figure out why variable not being recognized in invoke-command (it works @ other levels)...i've tested independently , works i'm not sure i'm missing. can set me straight.

if ($type -eq 's' -or $type -eq 's') {     $software = (read-host "enter software keyword: ")          foreach ($server in $servers) {         if (test-connection -computername $server -count 1 -quiet) {             $server             invoke-command -computername $server {                 $software                 get-wmiobject -class win32_product |                 where-object -filterscript {$ -like "*$software*"} |                 format-table -property name,version -autosize             } #end invoke         } #end if         else {write-host "could not connect: $server"}     } #end foreach     } #end elseif

the variable i'm having trouble $software.

i tested works using powershell v3... did copy code posted?

at point error? when run $scriptblock=... part?


$scriptblock=[scriptblock]::create("get-wmiobject -class win32_product | where-object -filterscript {`$ -like '*$($software)*'} |format-table -property name,version -autosize")

get-variable scriptblock | select -expandproperty value

#$scriptblock contains:

get-wmiobject -class win32_product |
where-object -filterscript {$ -like '*hp*'} |
format-table -property name,version -autosize

are using version 2?

just confirm... ` character in `$ ascii code 96, not ' ascii code 39

i've tried above on computer powershell v2... creates same result as running on v3.

inspired carlsberg.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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