Change Windows Server 2012 colors


changing windows server 2012 colors not possible default without editing registry.
location within registry change colors seems hkcu\control panel\colors


comparing these registry entries in windows server 2012 same entries in windows 8, colors totally different, surprising rgb color values identical.

i guess, registry part might 1 of previous windows versions, while current location change windows colors seem have moved.

where new location within registry change windows server 2012 colors?



as far know, hkcu\control panel\colors is still used windows 2012, same windows 8.

you can find registry “hkey_current_user\control panel\desktop\colors” change colors.

for more detailed information, please refer article:

how access “advanced appearance settings” option , change font size, color in windows 8:

in addition, article maybe helpful deal windows server 2012 colors:

how set inactive title bar color in windows 8:

i hope helps.

Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General


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