Use FORM to add DNS records

hi all,

i new powershell, please forgive me if dont understand basic logic of powersell.

last week started adding new dns records powershell. today like, ok, kewl make little gui adds dns records. watched youtube movies , downloaded primalscript. made form needed textboxes, , @ end want add dns record using add-dns.... command variables textboxes.

before start testing ( can test in production environment ) have questions script ready testing.

1. near bottom of script there line: if ($form1.showdialog() -eq 0). reflect cancel button scriptblock? scriptblock having 'dialogresult = 0'. while line @ bottom of script says 'showdialog'.

2. want run tool (can make .exe out of it) on remote server. mean have add couple of other commands, "import-module dnsserver", , guess "enter-pssession hostname_dns_server". should place 2 additional commands? can add them anywhere in top of script? or should somehow merge them last command 'add-dns.....' ?

3. $result in last line execute add-dns... command? me newby looks making variable , putting in it. 

thanks help!

[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("")    # create form  $form1 = new-object  $form1.text = "add dns record"  $form1.height = 200  $form1.width = 250  $form1.formborderstyle = 3    # create ok , cancel scriptblocks  $oksb = {  	$form1.dialogresult = 1  	$form1.hide()  }  $cancelsb = {  	$form1.dialogresult = 0  	$form1.hide()  }    # create ok button  $okbutton1 = new-object  $okbutton1.text = "ok"  $okbutton1.height=25  $okbutton1.width=75  $  $okbutton1.left=147  $okbutton1.add_click($oksb)  $form1.controls.add($okbutton1)    # create cancel button  $cancelbutton1 = new-object  $cancelbutton1.text = "cancel"  $cancelbutton1.height=25  $cancelbutton1.width=75  $  $cancelbutton1.left=66  $cancelbutton1.add_click($cancelsb)  $form1.controls.add($cancelbutton1)    # create label1  $label1 = new-object  $label1.text = "enter dns name:"  $label1.left=12  $  $label1.width=205  $label1.height=13  $form1.controls.add($label1)    # create text box1  $text1 = new-object  $text1.left=15  $  $text1.height=20  $text1.width=205  $form1.controls.add($text1)    # create label3  $label3 = new-object  $label3.text = "enter dns zone:"  $label3.left=12  $  $label3.width=205  $label3.height=13  $form1.controls.add($label3)    # create text box3  $text3 = new-object  $text3.left=15  $  $text3.height=20  $text3.width=205  $form1.controls.add($text3)    # create label4  $label4 = new-object  $label4.text = "enter ipv4 address:"  $label4.left=12  $  $label4.width=205  $label4.height=13  $form1.controls.add($label4)    # create text box4  $text4 = new-object  $text4.left=15  $  $text4.height=20  $text4.width=205  $form1.controls.add($text4)    # show form 1  if ($form1.showdialog() -eq 0) {  	# cancelled  	break  }    # add dns record  $result = add-dnsserverresourcerecorda -name "$text1.text" -zonename "$text3.text" -allowupdateany -ipv4address "$text4.text" -timetolive 01:00:00  

please ask single scripting question.  issues how use primalscript create exe or access aremote system need post in vendors forum.

what scripting question? errors getting? post compete error message.


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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