Get lastLogon attribute of Computer object, need guru help plz

hello all,

i manage the users's account , easy lastlogin information, clean unused of them.

to resume situation, i try get, via powershell script, lastlogon attribute of each computer in ad.

i use powershell script on vista sp1 os , and query w2k server ad.

$ldapquery = "(&(objectcategory=computer)(operatingsystem=windows 2000 professional))"  $de = new-object system.directoryservices.directoryentry
$ads.pagesize = 3000
$ads = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher -argumentlist $de,$ldapquery
$complist = $ads.findall()
$complist | export-csv -path 9mold_computers.csv
anyway, 1 don't giving me informations need

i need make csv file computer name , lastlogon (attribute of object) convert, myself, large interger date format.

i need help, in language vb, auto it, powershell or else.

if need more information me, ask me.



hi rikho,


thanks posting here.


powershell or vbscript achieve goal. please check following sample script find computers last logged on before specified date. however, may need customize meet environment’s requirement.


search computers last logged on before specified date


if have difficulties when customizing scripts, suggest initial new post in official scripting guys forum! further support there. best resource scripting related problems.


for convenience, have list link followed.


the official scripting guys forum

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Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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