Setting up Variables for a Build of DCPromo Answer File.

setting variables build of dcpromo answer file.  correct "dcpromo.ini" produce initialization of execution of forest called "" setting forest dc.

[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname(“system.web”) [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname('microsoft.visualbasic')  import-module activedirectory  $domain = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.domain]::getcurrentdomain().name $computer = $env:computername $currentusername = $env:username $adsite = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.activedirectorysite]::getcomputersite()  $dcpromoanswerfile="c:\temp\dcpromo.ini"  $locationntds = "c:\windows\ntds" $locationntdslogs = "c:\windows\ntds" $locationsysvol = "c:\windows\sysvol" $installfrommedia = "no" $defaultifmpath = "c:\temp\ifm" $dcpromoreboot = "yes" controller (rodc) $isrodc = "no" $isgc = "no" $dnsinstallswitch = "yes" $installwinsserver = "no"


[dcinstall] installdns="yes" newdomain="forest" newdomaindnsname="" domainnetbiosname="mysite" replicaornewdomain="domain" forestlevel="4" domainlevel="4" databasepath="c:\windows\ntds" logpath="c:\windows\ntds" sysvolpath="c:\windows\sysvol" safemodeadminpassword="pass1"

hi philosophiae,

i feel little confused issue.

if want create ad forest answer file or powershell cmdlet, please refer these articles:

installing new forest using answer file

create new server 2012 ad forest using powershell

if have misunderstanding, please let me know.

best regards,


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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