Multiple custom RDP file settings

i want modify virtual desktop deployment rdp file generated via rdweb website of rds server. need add these custom rdp settings:drivestoredirect:s:dynamicdrives displayconnectionbar:i:0 devicestoredirect:s:*.

i need we8 thin client redirect flash drives plugged unit after initial logon. want rid of connection bar users cannot accidentally disconnect, in getting rid of bar, need thin client automatically redirect every usb device can vdi session webcams , medical equipment require using redirect button in connection bar. includes items listed under "other supported remotefx usb devices". tried using following powershell command throws error:

set-rdvirtualdesktopcollectionconfiguration -collectionname general_users -customrdpproperty "drivestoredirect:s:dynamicdrives `n displayconnectionbar:i:0 `n devicestoredirect:s:*"

this creates error:

set-rdvirtualdesktopcollectionconfiguration : remote desktop services deployment not exist on (server name removed). operation can performed after creating deployment. information creating deployment, run "get-help new-rdvirtualdesktopdeployment" or "get-help new-rdsessiondeployment".
@ line:1 char:1
+ set-rdvirtualdesktopcollectionconfiguration -collectionname general_user_des -cu ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [write-error], writeerrorexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : microsoft.powershell.commands.writeerrorexception,set-rdvirtualdesktopcollectionconfiguration

please help.


the easiest solution far put switches rdp file after signature. if tried put signed portion @ top, give me error rdp file no longer valid. figured out remote desktop program in win 8.1 doesn't care if switches in signed or unsigned portions of file, applied anyway. solution manually edit rdp file , put switches desired @ end, after signature.

thank tried issue.

Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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