Migrating from FRS to DFSR - Order?

we have root domain, , single child domain. 

i want migrate dfsr, have few questions:

1).  both upgrade together, or must 1 other?  if latter.. matter done first?

2).  must promote 2008 r2 dcs in rootdomain , remove 2003 ones prior dfsr migration?

rootdomain - 2008r2 functional level

dc1 - windows 2003

dc2 - windows 2003

childdomain - 2008r2 functional level

dc1 thru 7 - windows 2008 r2


you need in order , not matter 1 first frs stop when upgrade windows 2008 r2.

here document upgrade frs dfsr:


also here tool on upgrading:


if have feedback on our support, please send tnfsl@microsoft.com.

Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage


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