upcoming web-chat: EAPHost in Windows Vista and Longhorn


for detailed information please refer : http://www.microsoft.com/technet/community/chats/default.mspx


january 18, 2007
2:00 p.m. pacific time

where: enter chat room


eaphost in windows vista , longhorn
great opportunity partners , developers with our eap experts enterprise networking group (eng) understand , ask questions eaphost, microsoft windows networking component introduced in vista, provides extensible authentication protocol (eap) infrastructure authentication of "supplicant" protocol implementations such 802.1x , point-to-point (ppp).

below few among many such interesting topics covered in web-chat:

1. eaphost?
2. should use it?
3. why use eaphost?
4. developing eap-methods , eap-supplicants eaphost
5. 802.1x on eaphost in vista
6. nap using 802.1x
7. eaphost in vista , longhorn server
8. eaphost resources , troubleshooting

add calendar


the chat awesome success ambrish - , eap team hosting this!

we should able transcript link posted here on forum people’s reference.


jeff sigman
nap release manager
jeff.sigman@online.microsoft.com *

* remove "online" email me.
** posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights.


Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection


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