Virtual hard drive creation on hyper-v

i have hyper-v 2008 r2 standalone.  long time ago, created 2 vms , installed oss on them.  big drives, not recall creation of vhds took excepptionally long.  want create 3-rd. vm.  however, time, unable create vhd.  have tried both fixed , dynamically..., not happen.  have waited many hours.  size of drive 200 gb.  maybe forgot something, unnoticeably easy in last 2 cases.  not error message.  when check hyper-v hard drive, see file being created, little on 262,000 bytes , not grow. 

i'd appreciate help.  have no problems 2 vms running under host. 

ali i. naqvi

i appreciate reply , spirit of helping.  however, above basic checks , moderate experience run them; , did. 

i gave on using gui in hyper-v manager , used command line @ host.  did:

1.  @ command line of host, type diskpart , enter

2.  @ diskpart prompt, select unformatted disk using select disk command

3.  create partition using create partition command

4.  created vhd using create vdisk command proper parameters. 

a 200 gb drive created in 40 minutes.  fast! 

once again, thank quick reply. 

ali i. naqvi

Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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