Catching Errors on live@edu cmdlets

i having problems catching exceptions when using live@edu cmdlets. seems exception never caught, code below im having problems. exception should thrown user exists script seems ignore , continue on. know can fix putting in onerror stop, don't want script stop want write out exception log file , continue.

any appreciated.


many thanks,

 try  {
new-mailbox -name $name -password $randompassword -windowsliveid $windowsliveid -resetpasswordonnextlogon $forcechangepassword -firstname $firstname -lastname $lastname -displayname $displayname | out-file -append $userprovisioningresults
  catch {
  write-output $_.exception.tostring() | out-file -append $userprovisioningresults

if you're saying try/catch doesn't work, mean non-terminating error being returned.

try changing new-mailbox command add parameter/value:

new-mailbox ... -erroraction stop ...

that should turn non-terminating error, terminating error.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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