Creating hash table with more than two columns


tried search around , can't quite find i'm trying do. know can make hash table like:

$hash = @{"texas" = "hot";"alaska" = "cold"}

but add third column, sake of example have third 1 travel air , other travel car. what's syntax can add more columns two? also, how can change column header names?

i think want more this:

new-object psobject -property @{    state="texas"    temp="hot"    travel="air" }

if set $hash equal that:

$hash = new-object psobject -property @{state="texas";temp="hot";travel="air"}

i this:

travel                                  temp                                    state
------                                  ----                                    -----
air                                     hot                                     texas

if have master variable

$hashes = @()

i can set $hash new-object of relevant values each pass of loop:

$hash = new-object psobject -property @{state="alaska";temp="cold";travel="car"}

and add $hashes each time:

$hashes += $hash

and add collection:

travel                                  temp                                    state
------                                  ----                                    -----
air                                     hot                                     texas
car                                     cold                                    alaska

as mjolinor suggested, need understand want do.  i suspect unfamiliar terms, because you're describing array of values, better suited psobject rather hash table.  

the method populating psobject describe above 1 variation of 1 particular method doing so, there others may more or less suitable want do.

i hope post has helped!

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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