DC An error occured during logon Event ID: 4625

getting frequent 4625 errors on *.company.com servers hosted on *.hyperv.internal domain. makes no difference when uncheck time synchronization in hyper-v vm settings.

an account failed log on. subject: security id: s-1-0-0 account name: - account domain: - logon id: 0x0 logon type: 3 account logon failed: security id: s-1-0-0 account name: serversql2$ account domain: company.com failure information: failure reason: error occured during logon. status: 0xc0000133 sub status: 0x0 process information: caller process id: 0x0 caller process name: - network information: workstation name: - source network address: source port: 57673 detailed authentication information: logon process: kerberos authentication package: kerberos transited services: - package name (ntlm only): - key length: 0 event generated when logon request fails. generated on computer access attempted. subject fields indicate account on local system requested logon. commonly service such server service, or local process such winlogon.exe or services.exe. logon type field indicates kind of logon requested. common types 2 (interactive) , 3 (network). process information fields indicate account , process on system requested logon. network information fields indicate remote logon request originated. workstation name not available , may left blank in cases. authentication information fields provide detailed information specific logon request. - transited services indicate intermediate services have participated in logon request. - package name indicates sub-protocol used among ntlm protocols. - key length indicates length of generated session key. 0 if no session key requested.



have seen http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2157973/en-us if work smartcards?

please describe in detail how time sync configured in domain , host machine.

best regards

meinolf weber
mvp, mcp, mcts
microsoft mvp - directory services
my blog: http://msmvps.com/blogs/mweber/

disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights.

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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