Confirm save command


i have script:

cls [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("microsoft.teamfoundation.client") [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client") $tfscollectionurl = "http://zdev:8080/tfs/dev_test_collection" $teamprojectcollection = [microsoft.teamfoundation.client.tfsteamprojectcollectionfactory]::getteamprojectcollection($tfscollectionurl) write-host "team project collection: "$teamprojectcollection $ws = $teamprojectcollection.getservice([type]"microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.workitemstore") write-host "workitemstore: "$ws $buildserver = $teamprojectcollection.getservice([]) write-host "build server: "$buildserver $builddetail = $buildserver.querybuilds("ms-basis dev", "staging_test_dev") | ` where { $_.buildnumber -eq "staging_test_dev_20130604.1" } write-host "buildnumber: "$builddetail.buildnumber write-host "drop location: "$builddetail.droplocation write-host "retain indefinitely bevore: "$builddetail.keepforever $builddetail.keepforever = "false" write-host "retain indefinitely after: "$builddetail.keepforever $

i want change retain indefinitely script false. script doesn't change value.

when change retain indefinitely false visual studio, i have confirm action.

how can confirm action automatically @ powershell.

this $ -confirm:$true not work.

the other way, change build retain indefinitely false true works script!

i hope can me,

thanks horst moss 2007 farm; moss 2010 farm; tfs 2010; iis 7.5

"false" string, should boolean value:

# line: $builddetail.keepforever = "false" # should be: $builddetail.keepforever = $false

and save() has parentheses , apparently not cmdlet method. cannot use powershell parameter after it.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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