Where is my RemoteApp actually running?

my question based on classroom exercise doing.  instances of server 2008 running on virtual machines in classroom.  instructor's server domain controller.  each of student servers has been configured terminal services role.  student user id's domain have administrative rights--my user id student12.  documents folder each student's server has been redirected instructor's server.  instructor's server name serverdc.  server server12.  partner's server server11.  i configure remoteapp rdp file for wordpad on server12; however, save to my documents folder on serverdc (\\serverdc\students\student12\documents).  i go partner's server, server11, log on domain student12, open windows explorer, , double-click wordpad rdp file shows in my documents folder (stored on serverdc).  launches wordpad.  question here is, where application running?  on server created (server12) or server rdp file saved (serverdc)?  inclined server12, because don't know if serverdc has the terminal services role configured.  , i also think when rdp file created, used configuration of remote desktop connection, may point server.  can answer question definitively?  thank in advance.   


if understand configuration correctly, application running on server12.  assuming did not change server name default in remoteapp deployment settings window.

you can open .rdp file in notepad certain.  line similar this:

full address:s:server12



Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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