Find the mailbox database size and the count of mailboxes on each database in the same powershell command and list in tabular form
hi all
please let me know how command working. never works way expect. hats off powershell gurus.
[ps] c:\windows\system32>get-mailboxdatabase -status | ft name,@{label="free space";expression={$_.availablenewmailboxspace.tomb()}},@{label="size";expression={$_.databasesize.tomb()}},@{name="number";expression={(get-mailbox -database $}} | ft -autosize
any advice on how proceed on ? thanks.
show output:
$dbs = get-mailboxdatabase -status $data = @() foreach($db in $dbs) { $mxcount = (get-mailbox -database $ -resultsize unlimited).count $fspace = $db.availablenewmailboxspace.tomb() $size = $db.databasesize.tomb() $name = $ $data += new-object psobject -prop @{ "free space" = $fspace "size" = $size "number" = $mxcount "name" = $name } } $data | select name,"free space",size,number | format-table -auto
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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