Switching from Symantec to Windows Firewall on Servers

we in process of migrating symantec endpoint protection (sep) system center endpoint protection (scep). sep used symantec firewall. migrating scep need start use windows firewall. when installed sep automatically disabled windows firewall. wont go why, we've deployed sccm client , scep automatically removed sep , sep firewall. have windows firewall it's disabled. concern if enable windows firewall appropriate exceptions not configured , traffic start getting blocked.

i'm wondering if has advice easy way configure firewall exceptions domain controllers before turn on windows firewall. typically run 2008 r2 , 2012 r2 dcs dns , dhcp , that's pretty it. plan use group policy enable firewall , set exceptions hoping might know of way import standard firewall template dcs group policy instead of manually setting each exception. or if knows how can set firewall exceptions through sccm better.

our mission honor , empower wounded warriors...


here article port requirement of directory services,(including dns , dhcp)


it may helpful.

best regards.

steven lee please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.

Windows Server  >  Security


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