Append output to HTML file using ConvetTo-html

i reading computer names cvs file , getting system information , exporting information html file. testing 2 computers (computer1 , computer2); however, output computer2. how can append output html?. here code.

$cvsfile = "c:\scripts\get macaddress remote computers\getmacaddressern\computername .csv"

$a = import-csv $cvsfile 


$filepath = (get-childitem env:\userprofile).value 
add-content  "$filepath\style.css"  -value " body { 

th {  

td { 
write-host "css file created successfully... executing inventory report!!! please wait !!!" -foregroundcolor yellow 

foreach ( $computersystem in $a ) {

$comp = get-ciminstance cim_computersystem -computername $computersystem.pcname
$computerbios = get-ciminstance cim_bioselement -computername $computersystem.pcname
$computeros = get-ciminstance cim_operatingsystem -computername $computersystem.pcname
$computercpu = get-ciminstance cim_processor -computername $computersystem.pcname
$computerhdd = get-ciminstance win32_logicaldisk -computername $computersystem.pcname  -filter "deviceid = 'c:'"
$macaddress = get-ciminstance win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computername $computersystem.pcname  -filter "ipenabled = true"| select -expandproperty macaddress

$manufacturer = $comp.manufacturer
$computername = $ 
$model = $comp.model
$serialnumber = $computerbios.serialnumber
$cpu = $
$os = $computeros.caption + ", service pack: " + $computeros.servicepackmajorversion

convertto-html -body "<font color = blue><h4><b>report executed on</b></h4></font>$reportdate 
<font color = blue><h4><b>computer name: </b></h4></font> $computername
<font color = blue><h4><b>manufacturer: </b></h4></font> $manufacturer
<font color = blue><h4><b>model: </b></h4></font>$model 
<font color = blue><h4><b>serial number: </b></h4></font>$serialnumber
<font color = blue><h4><b>cpu: </b></h4></font>$cpu
<font color = blue><h4><b>operating system: </b></h4></font>$os
<font color = blue><h4><b>mac address</b></h4></font>$macaddress" -cssuri  "$filepath\style.css" -title "server inventory" | out-file "$filepath\$computername.html" 


write-host "script execution completed" -foregroundcolor yellow 
invoke-item -path "$filepath\$computername.html"


there 2 little errors in it.


$a = import-csv $cvsfile

this reads entire file , foreach loop can't read line line. try this:

$a = get-content "c:\scripts\get macaddress remote computers\getmacaddressern\computername .csv"


you have out-file in foreach loop this:


$computername = $ "$filepath\style.css" | out-file "$filepath\$computername.html"


so every loop iteration variable changes computer name.

if want 1 html file servers in it, should

(no variable, file name "-append" after that):

"$filepath\style.css" | out-file "$filepath\serverinventory.html" -append  invoke-item -path "$filepath\serverinventory.html"

here working code:

$cvsfile = "c:\scripts\get macaddress remote computers\getmacaddressern\computername .csv"  $a = get-content $cvsfile  $filepath = 'c:\temp'   add-content  "$filepath\style.css"  -value ' body {  font-family:calibri;   font-size:10pt;  }  th {   background-color:black;    color:white;  }  td {   background-color:#19fff0;  color:black;  }'    write-host 'css file created successfully... executing inventory report!!! please wait !!!' -foregroundcolor yellow   foreach ( $computersystem in $a ) {  $comp = get-ciminstance cim_computersystem -computername $computersystem.pcname $computerbios = get-ciminstance cim_bioselement -computername $computersystem.pcname $computeros = get-ciminstance cim_operatingsystem -computername $computersystem.pcname $computercpu = get-ciminstance cim_processor -computername $computersystem.pcname $computerhdd = get-ciminstance win32_logicaldisk -computername $computersystem.pcname  -filter "deviceid = 'c:'" $macaddress = get-ciminstance win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computername $computersystem.pcname  -filter 'ipenabled = true'| select-object -expandproperty macaddress  $manufacturer = $comp.manufacturer $computername = $  $model = $comp.model $serialnumber = $computerbios.serialnumber $cpu = $ $os = $computeros.caption + ', service pack: ' + $computeros.servicepackmajorversion  convertto-html -body "<font color = blue><h4><b>report executed on</b></h4></font>$reportdate  <font color = blue><h4><b>computer name: </b></h4></font> $computername <font color = blue><h4><b>manufacturer: </b></h4></font> $manufacturer <font color = blue><h4><b>model: </b></h4></font>$model  <font color = blue><h4><b>serial number: </b></h4></font>$serialnumber <font color = blue><h4><b>cpu: </b></h4></font>$cpu <font color = blue><h4><b>operating system: </b></h4></font>$os <font color = blue><h4><b>mac address</b></h4></font>$macaddress" -cssuri"  $filepath\style.css" -title 'server inventory' | out-file "$filepath\report.html" -append  }  write-host 'script execution completed' -foregroundcolor yellow  invoke-item -path "$filepath\report.html"

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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