split files in different directories
we have directories lot of files (about 20.000 or more). want move(split) files subdirectories (4 subdirecotries).
so every subdirectory have 5000 files.
directory 1 = first 5000 files
directory 2 = next 5000 files
directory 4 = last 5000 files
each subdirectory shozld have same number of files.
can count files with
$count = ls directory\*.job).count
, divide subdirectories.
$movecount = $count/4
how can move specific number ($movecount) files?
can give me hint?
try idea:
gci | out-file filelist.txt gc filelist.txt -readcount 5 | % { $_ write-host "next 5" }
([string](0..9|%{[char][int](32+("39826578846355658268").substring(($_*2),2))})).replace(' ','')
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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