KB2829361 Significant Performance Degredation after applying

after installing kb2829361 noticed significant delay in processing input requests.  overlooked if don't know looking for.  before installing, if started a:

1. tomcat web application server (windows 2003r2 enterprise server x64, screen displays shows startup process , overall time startup node take little on 1 minute complete.  after update, same node , 5 others on same machine w2k3 sp2, took 6+ minutes startup.

2. on database server (oracle 11g) windows 2003r2 enterprise server x64, executing simple query performance results:

sql> set linesize 150

sql> select size_for_estimate,buffers_for_estimate,estd_physical_read_factor,estd_physical_reads v$db_cache_advice name='default' , block_size=(select value v$parameter name='db_block_size') , advice_status='on';

the results of query before apply patch kb2829361 take less second display results.  after applying patch, take 30 seconds same query.

3. on laptop windows 7 x64, there noticable difference before , after.  used si software sandra lite evaluate bottleneck may , in kernal/cpu layer , shows performance numbers being worse before installing patch.

4. on machine windows 2003r2 enterprise server x32, checked before , after results of kb2829361 , again noticed difference.

i re-installed kb see if coincidence performance has degraded , results identically same.  have since uninstalled kb2829361 until can there fix issue.

the differences on 4 servers identified using sunbelt remote administrator v3 server since in nc , servers in ma & nh.  note that, delays appear on display side since same process works fine without kb. 


Windows Server  >  Security


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