Need to add a distinguishedName to a CSV file


i have cvs file contain 4000 records (firstname, lastname , alias attributes).

i need find powershell script add 4th raw distinguishedname attribute , save new csv file.

how can that?


do expect search active directory dn based on firstname , lastname?

in case:

$searcher = [adsisearcher][adsi]"" $newlist=@() #csv header is: firstname,lastname,alias $users    = import-csv "users.csv" foreach ($user in $users) {   $searcher.filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(givenname=$($user.firstname))(sn=$($user.lastname)))"   $result=$searcher.findall()|select -first 1   $userobj = [adsi]$result.path   $user|add-member -membertype noteproperty -name distinguishedname -value "$($userobj.distinguishedname)"   $newlist+=$user } $newlist|export-csv -path "newlist.csv" -notypeinformation

thanks, chris.


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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