server 2003 and windows 8

i have server 2003 based domain 200, xp , win 7 clients. trying set win 8 pro client, have functions working i'm having strange problem drive mapping via vbscript. system gets script , shows has correct path when user clicks on mapped drive gets part way there,
in script sample below drives g, h, , s map , work correctly
drives p, j display correctly take \\docsvr2\data, wise l takes \\docsvr2\apps

sample code:

dim currentuser
dim strgroups
dim groupmember
dim wshnet
dim grpnum
dim strmessage

set wshnet = createobject("")
set adsysinfo = createobject("adsysteminfo")
set currentuser = getobject("ldap://"&adsysinfo.username)
set checkdrive = wshnet.enumnetworkdrives()

driveletters = array("f:", "g:", "h:", "i:", "j:", "k:", "l:", "m:", "o:", "p:", "r:", "s:", "t:")
for each driveletter in driveletters 
on error resume next
for intdrive = 0 checkdrive.count - 1 step 2 
if checkdrive.item(intdrive) =driveletter _
then wshnet.removenetworkdrive driveletter 

'standard drives needs
with wshnet
.mapnetworkdrive "p:","\\docsvr2\data\users\users\" & wshnet.username
.mapnetworkdrive "g:","\\docsvr2\vol1"
.mapnetworkdrive "h:","\\docsvr2\vol2"
.mapnetworkdrive "j:","\\docsvr2\data\users"
.mapnetworkdrive "l:","\\docsvr2\apps\departments"
.mapnetworkdrive "s:","\\docsvr2\company"
end with

is windows 8 problem, vbs problem or 2 can;t play together?


post in script forum check vbscript first.

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