Missing Methods in WMI

i want configure windows 2008 cluster unattended. use powershell , wmi.
i can read many information wmi. and i can set propertíes or use methods bringonline too.
but important methods e.g. creategroup, createresource are missing, although method in msdn descipted. bug in powershell ?

ps c:\scripts\cluster> $group = get-wmiobject -class "mscluster_resourcegroup" -namespace "root\mscluster"
ps c:\scripts\cluster> $group | gm

   typename: system.management.managementobject#root\mscluster\mscluster_resourcegroup

name                   membertype   definition
----                   ----------   ----------
bringonline            method       system.management.managementbaseobject bringonline(system.uint32 timeout)
deletegroup            method       system.management.managementbaseobject deletegroup()
destroygroup           method       system.management.managementbaseobject destroygroup()
executegroupcontrol    method       system.management.managementbaseobject executegroupcontrol(system.int32 controlc...
getgrouptype           method       system.management.managementbaseobject getgrouptype()
movetonewnode          method       system.management.managementbaseobject movetonewnode(system.string nodename, sys...
rename                 method       system.management.managementbaseobject rename(system.string newname)
setgrouptype           method       system.management.managementbaseobject setgrouptype(system.uint32 grouptype)
setpreferredowners     method       system.management.managementbaseobject setpreferredowners(system.string[] nodena...
takeoffline            method       system.management.managementbaseobject takeoffline(system.uint32 timeout)
converttodatetime      scriptmethod system.object converttodatetime();
delete                 scriptmethod system.object delete();
gettype                scriptmethod system.object gettype();
put                    scriptmethod system.object put();

also shot in dark...  running query domain administrator?  seems non-domain admin account has limited access...

i have 2008 server vm have installed cluster feature.  now, workgroup, , cluster ui doesn't seem give me full access mmc, i'm going upgrade dc.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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