Remotely installing enic drivers via pnputil results in timeout error even though it is successful

this followup question previous post regarding error getting using pnputil remotely

i able script working copying files locally installing. i'm doing:

if (!(test-path -path $destinationfolder)) {new-item $destinationfolder -type directory}
copy-item -path $sourcefnic -destination $destinationfolder
copy-item -path $sourceenic -destination $destinationfolder
invoke-command -computername $servers -scriptblock {pnputil.exe -i -a "c:\temp\fnicwl64.inf"}
invoke-command -computername $servers -scriptblock {pnputil.exe -i -a "c:\temp\enic6x64.inf"}

the fnic installs no problem & reports back. enic, understandably, loses connection temporarily while driver updates. sits at: processing inf: enic6x64.inf 30 seconds before error message:

processing data remote server failed following error message: winrm client cannot complete operation within time specified. check if machine name valid , reachable on network , firewall exception windows remote management service enabled. more information, see about_remote_troubleshooting topic.
    + categoryinfo          : operationstopped: (system.manageme...pressionsyncjob:psinvokeexpressionsyncjob) [], psremotingtransportexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : jobfailure

the blip installing drivers maybe 5 seconds. there way script wait successful reply or check again make sure installed before times out? again, updating enic drivers, trying make remote script see verification on multiple servers.

that should work in theory... problem i'm running job report "fail" everytime no matter because loses connection remote host while it's updating network drivers. however, on server, network drivers in fact updated. results receive-job timeout, if redirect actual results command text file on server, wait 15 seconds drivers complete install can read happened. i'm not sure why job timing out. waits 30-45 seconds before timing out when host blipping 10 seconds, never tries establish connection back. 

reading through, if our servers updated powershell 4.0 use the indisconnectedsession parameter think... hmmmm i'm gonna upgrading our powershell versions anyways.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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